The best way to show your character arc and agency is through reactions. Nine out of ten times when an author is getting “can’t connect” feedbback, there’s not enough character reaction on the page.
The best way to show your character arc and agency is through reactions. Nine out of ten times when an author is getting “can’t connect” feedbback, there’s not enough character reaction on the page.
3 Act Structure is the standard for the publishing industry so I think every writer should have a good basic understanding of it.
In the best stories, plot and character are so intricately linked that you couldn’t pull one out without the whole thing unraveling. If you can, it’s going to lead to “can’t connect” or “didn’t love it.” This is called the plot – character connection.
When we think about conflict in a story, we mean two types of conflict: internal and external. Every story must […]
One of the most valuable skills a writer can have is knowing how to write a query letter.